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Filiberto Amati

Partner Amati & Associates
Consulenza aziendale
Varsavia (-) - Polonia

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  • Nome Azienda: Amati & Associates
  • Nome e Cognome: Filiberto Amati
  • CAP: 00412
  • Città: Varsavia
  • Provincia: -
  • Nazione: Polonia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: https://www.amati-associates.com
  • Settore: Consulenza aziendale


Partner di Amati & Associates, un consorzio di consultenti indipendenti, che offron a medie e grandi aziende, servizi di consulenza globale. La società opera nelle strategie di crescite, tanto da un punto di vista commerciale, come marketing ed innovazione. I nostri clienti sono prevalentemente aziende multinazionali di medie e grande dimensioni


Corporate Consultancy

Consulenza aziendale

While we have extensive experience on the advisory side (e.g., consulting firm, agency, design studio), most of our partners and experts also have experience on the client-side. We, therefore, try to build recommendations based on clear and actionable “what’s next.” That’s what makes our team unique.
Moreover, our teams tend to be top-heavy because we do not believe that our clients are willing to pay – through their fees – to train more junior resources.
Our experts are independent consultants, but we work together on several projects every here. Sometimes it makes sense for us to stay independent on a project. Sometimes we need a multi-disciplinary, diverse team. In this way, at Amati & Associates, we manage to set up only the right team for the proper client challenge. We do not deal with the pressure of increasing the productivity or return on investment of a resource. Nor do we add a resource to the project team because he/she is available at the start of the project. Through our network, we can also recruit experts on local resources for specific ad-hoc tasks. For example, in the past, we hired resources to help us scan digital campaigns for brands within a particular sector in China. Even delivered in-store visits for supermarkets in Emirates, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Germany, and United Kingdom.

Our services

Purposeful and Relevant Brands.
Our work on brands includes all the analytical and strategic elements of the discipline. We develop brands with purpose or bring meaning to an active brand. We audit existing brands, position existing and new franchises, improve or build brand architectures. We look at brands singularly or in a context of a portfolio of brands, and we assess and make recommendations on the products and categories of a specific brand. We look at brand extensions and advise our clients on the possible dilution of their assets. And while we are very creative, we are not a creative agency. We will work with your design agency to develop and improve your naming, logo, and visual identity, but we are not a substitute for those services.

Human-centric, insight-based, business model-powered.
On the innovation side, our work is broad. We can help with culture and processes. We assist clients in making their organizations more innovative. We lead innovation projects from inception to the marketplace. We also help clients prioritize the pipeline of projects, identify relevant insights platforms for their technology, or ideate more concepts. We develop new sustainable and agile business models, innovative route-to-markets, and new digital channels. And while we often help to pivot our clients' business models in a digital direction, we are not a technical/technology partner.

International Growth
From "moving boxes" to developing brands.
We help our clients identifying the essential difference between moving boxes at the international level and building a global business. We do so by starting with a strategic look and by prioritizing growth wishes and available resources. We advise our clients in identifying the relevant local partners to engage with. And we provide local insights on how to build a locally relevant, globally unified business.

Future-proof strategies and actionable plan.
We live in a VUCA world. Old-style planning based on linear trajectories from the past is irrelevant and could damagestrong> your firm's decision-making. We help clients co-create future business scenarios at the crossroads of relevant social, technological, and consumption trends. We help to spot weak signals. We also help to translate weak signals into possible future threats or opportunities. We do so by converging academic grade methodologies with design-led creative approaches and a diversity of voices.

Industry Experience
Over 60 business advisory projects!
We have conducted projects in 23 different countries, across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Our clients are traditionally premium consumer goods companies, operating in beer, wines and spirits, food and beverages, luxury, and consumer electronics. Because of our consumer-/customer-obsession, and the discipline and expertise that comes with it, we made successful inroads in over-the-counter and pharmaceutical sectors, and traditional B2B industrial and services.

Filiberto is a perfect partner for both Corporates and small companies looking for innovation and business strategic consultancy.

Elisabetta Borghi