H2biz - International Business HUB

Angela Vallone

Titolare Tra-ducere.com
Traduzioni e interpretariato
Sant'Elia Fiumerapido (FR) - Italia

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  • Nome Azienda: Tra-ducere.com
  • Nome e Cognome: Angela Vallone
  • CAP: 03049
  • Città: Sant'Elia Fiumerapido
  • Provincia: FR
  • Nazione: Italia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: http://www.tra-ducere.com
  • Settore: Traduzioni e interpretariato


I am an English and Spanish into Italian Freelance Translator and Language Consultant specialising in Business, Marketing, Manufacturing, Food & Tourism and Law. Tra-ducere is my brand name and I like thinking of myself as a good cook at work: a good recipe always needs the best ingredients to be mixed together well as well as that special, personal ‘touch’ that makes the difference. I love to work with languages to create opportunities, to make people speak and interact in the globalized world, communicating their ideas: enthusiasm and passion are my special ‘touch’ to make my work unique.


Curriculum vitae

2002 - Now
EN-ES > IT freelance translator, language consultant, interpreter, proof-reader and content writer

Areas of specialization
> Marketing and communication (brochures, slogans, campaigns, press releases, corporate profiles, internal communication, presentations, corporate newsletters, house organ including marketing, administration, accounting, logistics and advertising-related material);
> Law (lease contracts, call for tenders, rental agreements, construction work agreements, certificates and qualifications, legal correspondence, privacy statements);
> Business (internal and external policies, employee handbooks, training materials, presentations, corporate communication/correspondence, annual reports, trading);
> Food&Wine and Tourism (menus, recipes, wine catalogues, hotel brochure and website contents);
> Manufacturing and Technology (furniture price lists and catalogues, automotive, textile and fashion, construction works, ceramics, GPS navigation systems, articles for industrial design magazine, interior design/furniture, engineering reports, safety manual);
> Miscellaneous (academic papers related to philosophy and public administration marketing, public services management, patents).

2003 - Now
Freelance Efl Teacher /‘Come, Play & Learn’ - Efl Courses For Toddlers And Children