"I work for Fondazione Filarete and manage the project ""Startup Revolutionary Road"" financed by Microsoft YouthSpark and Fondazione Cariplo, in partnershiop with InnovAction Lab, TechGarage, I3P, PoliHUB, and ItaliaCamp. I also provide business development support to spinoffs, in particular Tensive."
"BS in Business Economy (2006, University of Padova), 110/110 with honors. Master degree in Business Economy and Management, 110/110 with honors, discussing the thesis "Leadership and entrepreneurship in academic spin-off firms" (2008, University of Padova). PhD in Economy and Management on the topic: "Academic Entrepreneurship: the University Technology Transfer Office" (2012). I lived multiple times abroad: - six months exchange student at Sheffield Hallam University (2005-2006), Sheffield, UK; - four months internship at the economic office of the Embassy of Italy in London (2008), London, UK; - one year as Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (2010), working for a semester at the U-M Technology Transfer Office. I collaborated with startup Solwa srl (seed fund: 250 k Euro) and I managed the project Nordest Technology Transfer during TriesteNEXT, European Science Research Forum. "
"I work for Fondazione Filarete and manage the project ""Startup Revolutionary Road"" financed by Microsoft YouthSpark and Fondazione Cariplo, in partnershiop with InnovAction Lab, TechGarage, I3P, PoliHUB, and ItaliaCamp. I also provide business development support to spinoffs, in particular Tensive."