H2biz - International Business HUB

Federica Destro

Freelance Fondazione Filarete
Servizi alle imprese
Milano (MI) - Italia

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  • Nome Azienda: Fondazione Filarete
  • Nome e Cognome: Federica Destro
  • CAP: 20139
  • Città: Milano
  • Provincia: MI
  • Nazione: Italia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: Non disponibile
  • Settore: Servizi alle imprese


"I work for Fondazione Filarete and manage the project ""Startup Revolutionary Road"" financed by Microsoft YouthSpark and Fondazione Cariplo, in partnershiop with InnovAction Lab, TechGarage, I3P, PoliHUB, and ItaliaCamp. I also provide business development support to spinoffs, in particular Tensive."


Curriculum vitae

"BS in Business Economy (2006, University of Padova), 110/110 with honors. Master degree in Business Economy and Management, 110/110 with honors, discussing the thesis "Leadership and entrepreneurship in academic spin-off firms" (2008, University of Padova). PhD in Economy and Management on the topic: "Academic Entrepreneurship: the University Technology Transfer Office" (2012).
 I lived multiple times abroad: - six months exchange student at Sheffield Hallam University (2005-2006), Sheffield, UK; - four months internship at the economic office of the Embassy of Italy in London (2008), London, UK; - one year as Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (2010), working for a semester at the U-M Technology Transfer Office.
 I collaborated with startup Solwa srl (seed fund: 250 k Euro) and I managed the project Nordest Technology Transfer during TriesteNEXT, European Science Research Forum. "



"I work for Fondazione Filarete and manage the project ""Startup Revolutionary Road"" financed by Microsoft YouthSpark and Fondazione Cariplo, in partnershiop with InnovAction Lab, TechGarage, I3P, PoliHUB, and ItaliaCamp. I also provide business development support to spinoffs, in particular Tensive."