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Renato Buscarini

Freelance Buscarini
Credito e finanza
Piacenza (PC) - Italia

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  • Nome Azienda: Buscarini
  • Nome e Cognome: Renato Buscarini
  • CAP: 29121
  • Città: Piacenza
  • Provincia: PC
  • Nazione: Italia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: http://www.expo.org
  • Settore: Credito e finanza


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Smart Card multifunzionale

Elettronica e elettrotecnica

"I'm developing my patent and relevant research, regarding a ""Multi-functional Smart Card"" which includes a BIOMETRIC identification system with on-board reader and cryptography to be used as RF-ID contact-less identification (for more info's see the new NFC technology developed by the NFC Consortium at www.nfc-forum.org ) allowing a contact-less dialogue with mobile phones, palmtops, automotive equipment, digital TV sets and other digital devices using one and the same smart card that guarantees security and privacy by a protection/software, provided by our team. Member www.osservatoriocards.eu micro-payments section. It's an Italian patent compliant, but with all the International standards, allowing also International extensions and regulations, also incorporating a proprietary 'open' system already being combined with some of the most exciting Safety ICT SOFTWARE/SYSTEM ( provided by our associates ), available on the market. The complete project can be used, for example, toward partnerships established with companies specialising in Interactive TV systems and/or on-demand, commercial advertising (an Italian/UE/US patent with technological partners) which allows for the handling of bank transfers and micro-payments transactions via smart card/reader, also with a view of applying for European Union funding. A partnership in further integrated developments, research and innovation projects is also a concrete possibility in Smart City Malta, ICT offices, as best location for many reasons ( please see http://malta.smartcity.ae/ ; a new Arabian/Maltese Govrn. JV, where we can start a NewCo, and then Partnership, Joint Venture Agreements, License Agreement, Financial Resources, Testing of new applications, Adaptation to specific needs and new processes, Engineering - Technical consultancy, Quality control etc. ). Our project is at the initial stage of development, we are able to offer our potential partners custom-made solutions according to specific requirements, which is surely a great advantage. Exciting fields would be : Phones, IPTV , e-Commerce Internet, VOIP, TV set, broadcasting etc, . I can't send you more information about this, at present, as third parts copyright reasons. The phase test will be developed in Malta Republic , as far as the card and the entire system will be actually available"