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Francesco D'Alessandro

Amm. Delegato FlyFreeAirways.it - Imprese Valore Italia - ResultsAdv - Guida Sicura Supercar - DroniWorld
Marketing e comunicazione
TORINO (TO) - Italia

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  • Nome Azienda: FlyFreeAirways.it - Imprese Valore Italia - ResultsAdv - Guida Sicura Supercar - DroniWorld
  • Nome e Cognome: Francesco D'Alessandro
  • CAP: 10136
  • Città: TORINO
  • Provincia: TO
  • Nazione: Italia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: https://www.resultsadv.it/
  • Settore: Marketing e comunicazione


Imprenditore, Amm. Delegato Fly Free Airways, ResultsAdv, DroniWorld, Presidente dell'Associazione Imprese Valore Italia.


Curriculum vitae

Francesco D’Alessandro lives and works in Turin (Italy)
* Businessman - Business Angel – Influencer Investor & Marketing Startup - Sport Mental Coach
* Diplomatic Correspondent for USA (New York, Washington, Texas, Caliornia) – MALTA – EICH – TANZANIA – CINA – TAIWAN – SPAIN – BRAZIL
* Security & Intelligence specialist, Ethical Hacker, International Anti-Terrorism, Data Protection Office, Private civil, IT, criminal and commercial investigations
* International Advisor for the European Transparency Register ID 176217623918-78  
* Under the High Apostolic Protection of the Orthodox Anglican Church St. John Apostle (Order of Corporate Reunion) - decree n°1013 November 11th, 2016
* Registrant at Defense Administration (AD) Suppliers of the countries that join the NATO Codification System (NCS) – NCAGE NATO code AQ566
Regional Delegate for Fedital Imprese Piemonte
Regional Delegate for COOPER Federation of Civil Protection Associations


After graduating in business and economics, he began his training career studying - from 1998 to 2000 - to become a qualified accountant. Afterwards, he worked for different companies with the positions of administrative manager first (from 2000 to 2002), and then of CFO, the latter for Azimut - marine industry - 2002-2003 and then FIAT / COMAU starting from 2003, with the role of supervisor above the restructuring and and reduction of industrial costs in the Avtovaz headquarters in Russia).
After the above-mentioned positions, he worked as external consultant for the review of business processes according to the principles of world class manufacturing, cost reduction, legal control of accounts, finance, company valuation, extraordinary transactions, restructuring, creation of innovative startups such as (RivaBanca BCC /Banca D’Alba, Promea.net and MonterosaTerme.com).
Up to 2002, he carried out experiences in Accounting, Financial Reporting, Management Control, Legal Counseling and he was also appointed Administrative Manager for several big companies including AERRE Cucine, Bosco Italia, Stampal and Fiat / Comau.
10 years ago he managed to found his own group of companies operating in different sectors focusing always on innovation and on Digital, from Marketing and Communication, to Automotive Events, Drones, Business Security, Big Data, 3D, Relaxation / Spa, Health, Real Estate and he still performs his activity of consultant in the field of restructuring projects, BPM, BPR etc. for big companies and for startups. This role, in particular, has contributed to make him a Social Influencer Investor with more than 1 million followers on different professional profiles. He has invested in various Banking / Insurance companies and is currently a Member Investor of the Accelerator Club SpA and Housers.com
Professor for Masters in Web Communication & Social Media - University of Parma
Associate Professor of "International Political Economy" for the Free University of Higher Studies UNIMOSCOW, Imperial Academy of Russia - Saint Nicholas University; for the ISFOA University of Lugano and of "Marketing & Communication" at Master Web Communication & Social Media for the University of Parma.


• 1998: Degree in Business and Economics – University of Naples v. 110/110

• 2000: Fiscal Master Tax Consulting Firm Roma - Prof. Antonio Scalia v. 110/100

• 2006: Master MBA SAA School of Business Administration, TORINO v. 110/110

• 2016: Honoris Causae Degree in International Diplomatic Sciences - Free University of Superior High Studies UNIMOSCOW, Imperial Academy of Russia - Saint Nicholas University

• 2016: Honoris Causae Degree in Political Sciences, with a master in Economics and International Diplomatic Relations” - 2016 University ISFOA of Lugano

From 2002
Strategic Marketing and Communication - Lead Generation

From 2011
Safe and Sporty car driving with Ferrari / Team Building

From 2013

Aerial photogrammetry, surveys in construction and agriculture,
acitivites of Judicial Police

From 2014
SPA / Relax

From 2011
Banking / Insurance

From 2015
Private Hospital with two operating rooms, Polyclinic

From 2015
Web-portal of medical-scientific orientation

From 2014
Business Incubator / Accelerator
From 2018


Mother Tongue: Italian
Foreign Languages:
¥ English
Understanding: Advanced (C1)
Spoken: Advanced (C1)
Written: Advanced (C1)

¥ French
Understanding: Intermediate (B1)
Spoken: Intermediate (B1)
Written: Intermediate (B1)

Communication Skills
He possesses excellent communication skills, a high level of ability in sports coaching, organizational skills and conflict resolution; all acquired during the experiences of Project Manager and CEO in Italy and abroad.

Organizational and Management Skills
Leadership – Sense of Organization – Project Management – Time Management – Team Working

Professional Skills
Excellent abilities in business processes management and re-engineering, quality control, management control, legal control of accounts / due diligence, corporate restructuring, finance, cost reduction, world class manufacturing, startups, marketing & communication, information processing, content creation, security, problem solving
Digital Skills
¥ Excellent knowledge of office suite tools (word, excel, powerpoint, etc)
¥ Excellent knowledge of digital image processing programs
¥ Excellent knowledge of ERP, CRM and Business Intelligence software

other Skills
Business Planning, Change Management, Business Intelligence, World Class Manufacturing, Business Strategy, Cost Reduction, ERP, BPR, BPM, WCM, Financial Analysis, Corporate Finance, Bank, Health, Marketing e Communication, Web-marketing, Digital Media, CRM, StartUp, Mergers & Acquisitions, Business Planning, Team Building, Coaching, Training

- Driving License B
- License ACI C national / Instructor for Safe and Sporty driving
- First Aid Instructor and PBLS-D, Firefighting and Instructor for Safety at Work
- Krav Maga Instructor
- Reiki Master & Teacher


Professional trainer in “COMMUNICATION & NLP” and “SPORT MENTAL COACHING” with experience gained by attending the Roberto Re HRD Training and the Anthony Robbins High Business Performance Course.
He has got over 10 years of experience as professional trainer in communication and nlp for Helyos Training Rome, BAZARWEV – La Sapienza University of Rome and “Salotto & Fiorito” Institute of Rivoli (TO).
Co-founder of the Rai Eri publishing project with the cooperation of LA STAMPA, ACT! Communication company and Pellegrini Editore and with the patronage of Ministero delle Pari Opportunità. This project has been created thanks to the friendship and cooperation with Eugenia Romanelli (journalist for l’Espresso and then head editor of the magazine Time Out and founder of “Bazar”, which has been studied in several classes of communication at La Sapienza University of Rome and other important Italian universities.
Accredited journalist for hobby and author of several articles and essays about the topics of arbitration, mediation and conciliation, management, economy and finance. Partner of CDAF and ATLEC and Head Editor of the CDAF Journal of the Turin “Unione Industriale”. Volunteer for 118 Piemonte, co-founder of NOI CONCILIAMO SRL.
Since 2011 he also carries out the role of Professor of Web Communication & Social Media for the University of Parma.

- DRONI IN EDILIZIA 1^ ed. 2015 e 2^ edition 2016, Grafill Edizioni; also translated in English for the USA market
- DRONI e AEROFOTOGRAMMETRIA, 2016 Maggioli Editore

- Roberto MARRAMA Award ed. Il Denaro – Naples ed. 1999
- ODISSEO Award ed. 2006 c/o Unione Industriale di Torino, interclub CDAF, CDVM, Club
of IT Managers and Club of Technical Managers
- Roberto MARRAMA Award ed. Il Denaro – Naples ed. 2005 / 2006
- Euromed Journalist Prize - International Federation of Journalists ed. 2006

Member of AIAF, Italian Association of Financial Analysts
Member of ANDAF, National Association of Administrative and Financial Managers
Member of CDAF (Club of Administrative and Financial Managers) at the Industrial Union of Turin

- Sommelier for FISAR (Italian Federation Sommelier Hoteliers and Restaurateurs) - consultant and member of the FISAR board of directors (relations with public institutions) - teacher / director of the course for Sommelier
- Truffles Judge, at the National Truffles Agency of Alba. Member of several international juries
- Meritorious member of the National Association of Italian Police
- Volunteer Rescuer 118, Croce Verde and Piedmont International Red Cross
- Volunteer First Aid Instructor 118 and BLS-D, PBLS-D and DAN Instructor
- DAN Europe Firefighting Instructor
- Corporate Security & Health Care Trainer - DAN Instructor Voluntary Italian Red Cross volunteer with Annex A, system 118 Piedmont Region - ALS Training and HEMS and MEDEVAC Helicopter Patent - HEMS / MEDEVAC Instructor. DAN BLS-D Instructor, PBLS-D, FIRST AID, NEUROLOGICAL EVALUATION, UNDERWATER RESOURCES, HMLI - IRC Member (Italian Resuscitation Council) - http://www.ircouncil.org/
- PILOT INSTRUCTOR Safe and Sporty Driving and Formula Junior Pilot
- Professional Coach AICP - Business Coach and Biblical Life Coach c / o Life Breakthrough Academy and Sport Mental Coach at ISMCI | International Sport Mental Coaching Institute
Nobility Titles / Honors / Certificates
     - Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic since 2010 - awarded by the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio
- Diplomatic Honor Councilor of Royal Diplomatic Academy - Unimoscow Department
      - General of the IBSSA Division, operating internationally as an expert in first aid and rescue operations
      - International Red Cross military corps
      - Lieutenant Colonel Emergency International Corps
      - Knight of the Grand Cross of the Constantinian Order of Saint George since 2016
      - Knight of the Order of Saint John of Malta since 2017
      - Commissioner of the Roerich Peace Observatory (Washington 1935) - Provincial Committee of Turin set up by the Chamber of Peoples Cultures - INTERCHAMBER - EICH
      - Regional Manager of the voluntary association "Cooper” - Civil Protection
      - Volunteer 118 Piedmont, with specialization in advanced rescue

My MASTERPIECE? Happiness, given and received

My MISSION? To be happy and make other people happy by sharing everything! Health, philosophy and love. Learn from others and make myself independent for my activity of Volunteering

MY VALUES? Trust, Communication, Honesty, Loyalty, Grow up as an individual and with others, Faith in God and His Commandments, Family, Gratitude, Tranquility, Friendship

The five FUNDAMENTAL LEVERS of Life, for me? Gratitude, Trust, Tranquility, Thought and Action !!


Advice for internationalization - Intelligence services for diplomatic correspondents

The International Organization for Diplomatic Relations (IODR), also known as “Correspondants Diplomatiques” intends to promote alliance and cultural cooperation through the exchange of documents, the organization of conferences, concerts, and events of various kinds, and publications.It promotes solidarity between people and individuals and the full realization of the basic rights of man, as inspired by the principles upheld by the United Nations Organization.
Its aim is to satisfy primary needs and in the first place to safeguard human life, work and the family, as the first and irreplaceable nucleus of society, and to remedy insufficiencies in the food supply and to give the highest value to human resources.
The IODR intends to guarantee the actual equality of the sexes, supporting and ensuring the inclusion of women in all activities, including politics.
The organization defends liberty as an indispensable condition for the dignity of the individual and the harmonious and complete development of the human personality, respecting the sentiments and ideas of others, of all religions, and all political ideologies;
It cultivates the culture of peace in the world, rejecting war as a solution of international controversies and violence under any form whatsoever, always substituting conflict by dialogue and encounter.
To achieve these objectives, the IODR conducts a wide range of development and educational projects, including the creation of training centers and courses.
The IODR contributes by all possible means - the press, television, radio, economic publications, conferences, etc. - to the popular diffusion, especially among the young, of the human rights proclaimed in the “Universal Declaration of the United Nations” on 15th December 1948 in New York.
To carry out the activities necessary for its statutory aims, the organization relies predominantly on the voluntary persons and free-of-charge services of its own corresponding members.

LINKEDIN PROFILE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francescodalessandro/

Name: Francesco D’ALESSANDRO
Address: Via Caprera, 28 10136 Torino (Italy)
Mobile: +39 333 3008006
Whatsapp: 39 3333008006
Email address: francesco@flyfreeairways.it
Linkedin: https://it.linkedin.com/in/francescodalessandro
Born in Naples on November 23rd 1972
Nationality: Italian



Contatto diretto:
tel. 333.3008006
mail: francesco@flyfreeairways.it


Aumento di Capitale FlyFree Airways - Compagnia aerea e Tour operator

Servizi alle imprese

FlyFree Airways è una nuova Compagnia Aerea privata e un Tour Operator specializzato in Business Travel Management e Turismo esperienziale.

FlyFree Airways gestisce anche operazioni di Jet-sharing in partnership con i propri clienti.

FlyFree Airways ha un network di 12.000 partner nel mondo e un modello di business ibrido, a metà strada tra quello di Uber e Flixibus.

Valore aggiunto:

- Target di imprenditori e professionisti finora snobbati per i quali volare voleva dire utilizzare gli aerei di linea oppure i super jet
- Economicità, Sharing, Affiliazione secondo i modelli Flixbus o Uber, Flessibilità, Soluzioni chiavi in mano All Inclusive grazie ad una rete di 12.000 operatori nel mondo
- Jet-sharing: la possibilità di evolversi da Cliente a Cliente-Investitore secondo le logiche della multiproprietà. Il nuovo cliente investitore può comprare un pacchetto di ore con la proprietà condivisa dell’aereo in questo caso oltre a risparmiare sulle ore di volo investe. Valorizza la sua quota ottenendo l’utile direttamente di quell’aereo o di quel tipo di attività legata al mondo dei vaggi di Business. Questo tra l’altro è un ottimo momento per il settore che vede una forte crescita
- Piattaforma Innovativa per matching voli con i Clienti e con gli altri operatori per evitare il più possibile le tratte vuote
- Piattaforma innovativa con la quale è possibile operare in CRIPTOVALUTE
- Tour Operator con possibilità di organizzare i viaggi a tutto tondo con partnership già avviata con 12.000 operatori nel Mondo ed assistenza H24.

Aumento di Capitale

Fino al 31 dicembre 2021 è in corso un aumento di capitale a 10 milioni di euro.

Al 25 ottobre 2021 sono stati già sottoscritti dai soci 7,2 milioni di euro.

Come saranno investiti i fondi dell'aumento di capitale:

1. acquisto Romavia con COA + Legge 145 (manutenzioni) + CAMO
2. acquisto 2 Jet
3. acquisto 737
4. completamento piattaforma innovativa digitale
5. Marketing e Comunicazione
6. Personale
7. Acquisto preventivo ore volo da altre compagnie per saving 25% circa ed essere più competitivi sul mercato.

Tutti gli investitori e gli operatori interessati a partecipare all'aumento di capitale possono manifestare il proprio interesse entro la scadenza del 31 dicembre 2021.

Guarda il video ufficiale - FLY FREE AIRWAYS, COS'E? E COSA CERCHIAMO?

Per informazioni e contatti:

Francesco D’Alessandro
Founder & CEO Fly Free Airways
Mob. +39 333.3008006

Imprese Valore Italia - L'associazione che supporta la crescita degli imprenditori

Servizi alle imprese

Imprese Valore Italia è un'associazione che tutela gli interessi delle imprese e ne promuove la crescita sul mercato.

Imprese Valore Italia costruisce collegamenti relazionali diretti, oltre che fra le imprese e i clienti, anche con le istituzioni.

IMPRESE VALORE ITALIA mette a disposizione di tutti gli associati una serie di servizi in grado di assicurare assistenza all’Impresa a 360 gradi in diversi settori.

Tra gli obiettivi di IMPRESE VALORE ITALIA c’è anche quello di fornire ai propri Associati strumenti agevolativi e accrescitivi di opportunità di sviluppo e la possibilità di usufruire di agevolazioni su servizi e soluzioni erogati da terze parti per Imprese, Professionisti e Privati Associati.

Per consentire questo, l’impegno di Imprese Valore Italia è quello di sottoscrivere Accordi e Protocolli d’intesa con Organizzazioni, Enti, Associazioni che possano facilitare e incrementare lo sviluppo imprenditoriale e professionale degli Associati IMPRESE VALORE ITALIA e, attraverso una serie di Convenzioni stipulate con fornitori di servizi, poter usufruire di sconti e agevolazioni.



Consulenza legale, fiscale, assicurativa, consulenza su formazione aziendale, consulenza su adempimenti sanitari

Inserimento gratuito nel portale imprese in vetrina

Rete d’impresa, startup e incubatori di imprese

Usufruire delle convenzioni nazionali già stipulate dalla confederazione con Enti

Eventi formativi, eventi informativi, convegni e meeting


– Servizi datoriali sindacali Legali, Fiscali e del Lavoro – Vi ricordiamo che Imprese Valore Italia è un’Associazione datoriale con delega al MISE e presso gli Enti Pubblici e Previdenziali
– Sportello del Cittadino e delle Imprese in collaborazione con l’Associazione antiviolenza UDIRE
– Tribunale Arbitrale per l’Impresa, il Lavoro, lo Sport e il Condominio
– CAF Imprese e CAF cittadini/pensionati
– Eventi ad hoc come Gioco da tavola YES a Squadre per il Cash Flow  ed anche gli SPEED DATE dedicati
– Rivista dedicata con rubriche nazionali e spazio per l’Arte, la Cultura e gli Spettacoli
– Web Radio e Web TV  con tantissime nuove collaborazioni di livello altissimo: da Lisa Bernardini a Katia Ferrante di Sky …da Carlo Alberto Francesconi di ISTRIONETV – ospite fisso di Quelli che il Calcio su RAI 2 a Patrizia Faiello CapoUfficio Stampa di attori famosi ..e poi Marco Tullio Barboni sceneggiatore, regista di importanti film e scrittore italiano
– Formazione Aziendale finanziata
– Banca delle Visite con possibilità di offrire visite gratuite ai meno abbienti e donazioni interamente deducibili da parte di imprese, professionisti e privati
– Speciale Convenzione con AreaMedical24.it – servizio di assistenza medico sanitaria H24 con visite a domicilio entro 2 ore in convenzione + servizio di prenotazione visite ed esami
– Speciale Convenzione son SANITAG.info – servizio di CARTELLA CLINICA DIGITALE
– Corsi di Aggiornamento per Amministratori di Condominio
– Eventi quindicinali di Formazione ed Informazione con il Tribunale Arbitrale col Patrocinio della Città di Torino per fare MATCHING TRA IMPRESE
– Speciale Convenzione con H2BIZ
– Speciale Convenzione con Lyoness affiliation
– Speciale convenzione con FEDERCRAL ITALIA con oltre 1000 convenzioni attive

Per info e contatti: Francesco D'Alessandro (Presidente Imprese Valore Italia).

Webinar Fly Free Airways - Diventa socio di una nuova compagnia aerea

Trasporti e Logistica

Il 15 dicembre 2021 alle ore 11.00 in diretta streaming il nuovo webinar di Fly Free Airways per scoprire come diventare socio di una nuova compagnia aerea partecipando all'aumento di capitale in corso.

Relatore: Francesco D'Alessandro (AD Fly Free Airways).

Programma webinar

Presentazione della nuova opportunità di investimento 

- Presentazione modello di Business
- Piattaforma innovativa per i voli privati
- presentazione Voucher Viaggi utilizzabili anche per Walfer aziendale
- Flight Coin: la nuova cripto legata all’economia reale del Business Travel Management
- Credito d’imposta
- Opportunità d’Investimento
- Cosa riceve chi investe e perchè dovrebbe investire

Tutti i partecipanti riceveranno in omaggio un voucher vacanze del valore di 500 euro.

Per info e contatti: Francesco D'Alessandro.