H2biz - International Business HUB

Alessandro Sannini

Partner Matrix S.r.l
Credito e finanza
Conegliano (TR) - Italia

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"Advisory per SME in Debt/Equity Advisory in Credito d'Imposta Ricerca&Sviluppo"


Curriculum vitae

"A JD specialized in finance and business management. Up to 2002 Alessandro worked in the new-economy within the Italian first e-commerce and e-business consultancy. In 2005 was a member of Golden Lion's steering committee (America's Cup) and later worked for two Italian premium law firms. He is a business developer with high net worth individuals, corporate and entrepreneurial groups strong legacies. Based in Italy North East, among the others he also specializes in corporate governance including IT. He helps the start-up of a Milan based securities house focusing on SMEs financing and listing. Previously he co- invested and co-managed start-up companies. Alessandro graduated in criminal law at the Bologna University (specializing in internet frauds) and is a guest speaker for venture capital and private equity classes at the same University. In 2013 he was a partner in Kep Finance Consulting SRL creating the first integrated project for the issuance of corporate bonds for Small and Medium Enterprises with Italian partner Banca della Marca. At the same time he founded Minibond.eu In November 2013 he took part in one of the first issues in Italy on Extra Mot Pro Specialties: Private Equity , Venture Capital ,IPOS, Governance ,Commercial and Financial Law , General Management"



"Advisory per SME in Debt/Equity Advisory in Credito d'Imposta Ricerca&Sviluppo"