H2biz - International Business HUB

Contatta H2biz

H2biz S.r.l. | Headquarter - Via Kerbaker, 91 - 80129 Naples (Italy). Pec: h2bizsrl@pec.it

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Domenico Mancini ha modificato il suo profilo
Domenico Mancini ha modificato il suo profilo
Domenico Mancini ha modificato il suo profilo
Giovan F Leboffe Build, Operate and Technology Transfer Projects. Arezza purchases products and services for sale to end users in the US domestic and export markets, with a focus on marine, environment and energy equipment by small manufacturers. Arezza offers a complimentary listing in our online marketplace. https://www.arezza.net/listing/build-operate-and-transfer-projects
Build Operate and Transfer Projects
Build Operate and Transfer Projects Travel and Mobility Services, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation The Concept is a program anchored in communities with a history as hub cities, hence a reliance on connections and collaborations within and among regions, resulting in a national trading

