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inVetta Group

inVetta Legal S.r.l.s.
Servizi alle imprese
Milano - Trento - Varese (-) - Italia

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  • Nome Azienda: inVetta Legal S.r.l.s.
  • Nome e Cognome: inVetta Group
  • CAP:
  • Città: Milano - Trento - Varese
  • Provincia: -
  • Nazione: Italia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: http://www.invetta.com
  • Settore: Servizi alle imprese


"inVetta Group (inVetta Partners, inVetta Legal, inVetta Legal S.r.l.s.) is a fully integrated professional and business services network made up of three main entities: - inVetta Partners, which is a strategic consultancy boutique dealing with FDIs (Foreign Direct Investments), internationalization, IT (Information Technology) and R&D/innovation related projects; - inVetta Legal S.r.l.s., which is an IP (Intellectual Property) and Legal Services company managing and coordinating a Legal Counsels, Patent and Trademark Attorneys and Law Firms Network providing Legal Consulting, Patent and Trademark Registration and Law Practice Services to Business Players; - inVetta Legal, which is a Legal Counsels, Patent and Trademark Attorneys and Law Firms Network providing Legal Consulting, Patent and Trademark Registration and Law Practice Services to Business Players. Through the synergies among the service offers of its founding entities, which collaborate on a regular basis to shared projects in multidisciplinary teams, inVetta Group succeeds in providing to its Clients a fully integrated consulting partner, whose competences range from legal and IP to business and IT, and which is finally able to implement the one-stop-solution Business Players are looking for in order to satisfy their needs. Specialties: Strategy, Marketing, Innovation, Internationalization, IT, Business Law, International Law, IP Law"



"inVetta Group (inVetta Partners, inVetta Legal, inVetta Legal S.r.l.s.) is a fully integrated professional and business services network made up of three main entities: - inVetta Partners, which is a strategic consultancy boutique dealing with FDIs (Foreign Direct Investments), internationalization, IT (Information Technology) and R&D/innovation related projects; - inVetta Legal S.r.l.s., which is an IP (Intellectual Property) and Legal Services company managing and coordinating a Legal Counsels, Patent and Trademark Attorneys and Law Firms Network providing Legal Consulting, Patent and Trademark Registration and Law Practice Services to Business Players; - inVetta Legal, which is a Legal Counsels, Patent and Trademark Attorneys and Law Firms Network providing Legal Consulting, Patent and Trademark Registration and Law Practice Services to Business Players. Through the synergies among the service offers of its founding entities, which collaborate on a regular basis to shared projects in multidisciplinary teams, inVetta Group succeeds in providing to its Clients a fully integrated consulting partner, whose competences range from legal and IP to business and IT, and which is finally able to implement the one-stop-solution Business Players are looking for in order to satisfy their needs. Specialties: Strategy, Marketing, Innovation, Internationalization, IT, Business Law, International Law, IP Law"


inVetta Group - Servizi per professionisti e imprese

Servizi alle imprese

inVetta Group è una rete integrata di servizi per professionisti e imprese costituita da tre entità.

Attraverso le sinergie tra le offerte delle società costituenti, che collaborano regolarmente a progetti condivisi in team multidisciplinari, inVetta Group riesce a fornire ai suoi Clienti un partner di consulenza completamente integrato, le cui competenze spaziano dal ramo legale e delle proprietà intellettuale ai campo affari e IT, finalmente fornendo la soluzione unica di cui gli operatori economici sono alla ricerca per soddisfare le loro esigenze.

inVetta Partners è una boutique di consulenza strategica che si occupa di Investimenti Diretti Esteri, internazionalizzazione, IT (Information Technology) e progetti di ricerca e sviluppo.

inVetta Legal S.r.l.s. è una società di IP (Intellectual Property) e servizi legali, che gestisce e coordina consulenti di proprietà intellettuale, Avvocati e studi legali per fornire consulenza legale, registrazione di marchi e brevetti e servizi per operatori economici.

inVetta Legal, una rete di avvocati con esperienza in brevetti e marchi, studi legali e consulenti legali che fornisce consulenza legale, servizi di registrazione di brevetti e marchi e servizi legali rivolti ad operatori economici.


Per info e contatti, Avv. Francesco Cerra